Monday, August 31, 2009

Did you know...

The last time Sign Language Interpreters of the National Capital (SLINC) hosted the AVLIC conference was in 1996. SLINC is hosting AVLIC’s 18th Biennial Conference "Small Steps Big Difference” July 6-10, 2010 in Ottawa. Check out the website at <>

VRS Update

Here is a link to the latest news on the VRS in Canada.

Thanks, Chrissy.

Did you know...

It is the 30th anniversary this year of AVLIC's founding meeting.

In the fall of 1979 several interpreters met in Winnipeg to establish an organization whose purpose it was to represent the profession of interpreting at the national level, to promote networking among existing interpreter organizations and to nurture the development of the vibrant interpreting profession.

Disabled Workers Feel Sting of Recession

Pam and Joel sent this link -

It's a report from Maureen Brosnahan from CBC Toronto on how the deaf and hard-of-hearing are the convenient and unfortunate casualties of this recession.

Thanks Pam and Joel.